You're free to upload as much files as you want, but please be aware that the largest size for an individual file is limited to 10Mb.

You can submit a support ticket from VistaPanel, we will answer it within the next 24 to 48 hours.

You can email us, but we use only the following email for technical support:
Community Forums

You can also join our community forums if you want to interact with other users and get instant answers.
Frequently asked questions
Bandwidth is the amount of data your website can transfer per month, every month the bandwidth counter will reset.
You have two ways, the first one (recommanded), you can download a FTP client software, you will find recommanded free softwares to download on the "Free FTP Software" from the "Files" section on VistaPanel. The second way is to use our free "Online File Manager" on VistaPanel.
You can view our tutorial on how to setup and use FTP to manage your files here.
Yes, we allow PHP and MySQL.
Yes we do offer PUPMyAdmin.
Anything illegal, websites that contains copyrighted files (warez), adult content, spamming scripts, web proxies etc... For more information please read our TOS.
We would really appreciate it, the best way is to open a ticket from VistaPanel, if not, you can email us at
To get technical support, open a ticket from VistaPanel, email us at or join our community forums.
Don't post your account's password, including databases passwords! And just be specific.
For more information & tutorials, please visit our knowledge base.

Whys choose us?
We use a powerful cluster of web servers that are all interconnected to act as one giant super computer. This technology is years ahead of most other hosting companies. Combining the power of many servers creates lightning fast website speed. Not only is the service extremely fast, it is resistant to failures that effect 'single server' hosting, used by most other free and paid hosting providers.